1. Nivsta copy that Activity.
One child either side of the Board. One child does a throw and catch of their choice, then the other child copies it. If the child copying it makes the move they then get a turn to make a fun,imaginative throw and catch. The activity goes on until one child cannot copy the other.The child that makes the throw and catch(trick,skill etc) where the opponent cannot make the throw and catch goes on to N for Nivsta. The game continues with the children doing tricks,skills and moves, copying one another. Without mistakes the winner is the first player to make the word Nivsta with 6 winning throws and catches. The activity is fun and involves skill and imagination.
2. Angles Activities.
Option 1.
Two players.
In peers for this Activity throw the tennis ball at an angle with the Board straight, with you and the other player standing about two meters away from the board at each end. This Activity involves a throw and catch from the same side of the Board. Good for reaction timing.
The tennis ball rebounds off the Board to the other player on an angle.
Keep repeating the cycle.
You can also change sides, from right side to left side of the Nivsta Board. Throwing and changing your angles. Also your body posture angles.
Keep repeating the cycle.
Option 2.
Three players.
Same as above but with three players. The third player stands front on to the Nivsta Board. Play the Activity but rotate. So as per Option one, but then player three throws the ball front on to the Board as they have their turn. Once the tennis ball has been thrown from player one to player two, then player three has a front on turn. This is the cool bit, then the players move-rotate anti clock wise. The Activity continues with angled throws and catches then front on throw and catches. The three players rotate once the ball has got thrown back to player One.
Keep repeating the cycle.
Change of Player layout.
Slightly different Activity to the set up above.
Remember to rotate anti clockwise once player one, two and three have all had a turn.
Keep repeating the cycle.
3. New Nivsta Star jump activity.
Throw the ball and catch the rebound then do one star jump. Throw the ball twice and catch the rebounds, this time do two star jumps. Go up in throws and catches, then do the same amount of star jumps.
4. Nivsta Hop Activity.
Throw the ball at the board and catch the rebound then hop on your right leg. Throw the ball again and catch it this time hop on your left leg. Two throws and catches, then two hops. Go up in throws and catches then hop the same amount of times as you throw and catch.
5. New-Coloured ball bucket activity. Activity One.
The child takes a coloured tennis ball from a bucket then throws and catches a rebound, he/she then places it back in the coloured bucket. The activity continues until the child has thrown and caught from all coloured balls in the buckets.
Activity two.
Mix the coloured tennis balls up in the wrong matching bucket. Now the children have to throw and catch the coloured tennis ball and then place it back in the correct coloured bucket.You may wish to have a competition to see who can do it the fastest, with the throws one metre away from the Board, timing the child. Hey of course another child can time you.
Activity three.
Choose a Coloured tennis ball, eg. red, next throw and catch the rebound once for r, once for e and once for d, this makes red. Continue until you’ve used all coloured tennis balls. Note if you were throwing the yellow coloured tennis ball if you threw and caught y, e and l and you dropped the rebound in l, you then start back at y for yellow again. Also note the tennis balls must be put back into the correct coloured bucket after each go.Teacher’s here we are using Art and spelling of colours.
6. New-Painting Colour time Activity.
Coming to your school. With the Van Franchise Programme.Paint the Board?How?Each child gets one throw at the board, dip your tennis ball into a tub of paint, or once decided say yellow, then throw the yellow ball soaked in paint at the Nivsta Board.The process continues with other kids, varied colours a must.This Wood Nivsta Board is unique and having thrown on both Board faces with tennis balls diped in different colours of paint.Let it dry. All fun and part of the cost for a Van Day School Van Franchise Programme.Your board is your schools to keep.
7. NEW. NIV IT brain coordination activity. Play on your own.
This activity is a good one to play on your own.
About 1-2 metres away from the board start with one throw and catch. When you catch the ball from the rebound, throw the ball in the air and catch it with the same hand, this is one go. Then throw the ball to your left hand and throw the ball in the air and catch it.The Activity goes up in throws and rebound catches, the point been that for the next throw you do two throws and rebound catches.Note with two throws and rebound catches you now throw the ball in the air twice, after having done the two rebound throws and catches. Then throw to your other hand and do two throws and catches in the air.The Activity continues with rebound catches and throws in the air.You may go up to 5 throws and rebound catches and 5 throws in the air with one hand, then 5 throws and catches in the air with your other hand. Then start the activity and again at one throw and rebound catch with one throw in the air and and then one throw in the air with the other hand, before you move up in numbers.NOTE after your throw and rebound you always do the air throws and catches, with right hand then go up in numbers to the next number after the one you have just been on.On a good day you may wish to go from one throw up to 10 throws and rebound catches.Also try the activity using your left hand with throws and catches and throws in the air with your right hand.This is good for your mind as its working both sides of the brain.
Change of Player layout.
Slightly different Activity to the set up above.Remember to rotate anti clockwise once player one, two and three have all had a turn.Keep repeating the cycle.
8. NEW, NIV IT best of 5.
Hey kids, NIV IT best of 5.Each player has a tennis ball either side of the Nivsta Board.Best of 5 goes. The best of 5 goes like this. Each player on their side of the board throws and catches 20 times one metre away from the board. When he or she has thrown and caught 20 times he or she says 20. The first to throw and catch to 20 is the winner for each go.The best of 5 continues until someone wins, 3-2 for example.Have fun!
9. Top/Tip Hit Activity.
One v one players.Player one throws the ball at the Board trying to hit the Top/Tip of the Board. If he/she hits it he/she is on one hit. The game continues with both players having turns. If they miss the Top/Tip the other player has a turn. The winner is the first to hitting the Top/Tip three times. Note one ball between two players. If three hits is too easy choose a number to suit your skill level.
10. NEW, NIV IT PLAY IT, ONE CHANCE (tough game).
NIV IT play it.One player on either side of the Nivsta Board.Different to NIV IT ACTIVITY as to with NIV IT PLAY IT ONE CHANCE now you are starting at a number then going down in numbers for your game.Two metres away from the Board, player one does 10 throws and rebound catches. He/she then throws the ball to player two on the other side of the Board, who then does 10 throws and catches.The game goes down in numbers to 1 throw and catch.Note if a player misses the Board on their throw or drops the rebound he/she then starts the game back at ten throws and catches again. NOTE only if he or she chooses, this is where ONE CHANCE comes in. You can take your ONE CHANCE and choose to stay on that number having just missed the Board or having dropped your rebound catch.The game can be played at two metres away from the Nivsta Board or a distance thats suits the players skill level.Note when the ball is thrown to the other player on the other side of the Board to have their turn, if he/she drops the ball he/she is still on that number from that throw.The winner is the first to get to 1 throw and rebound catch.
11. New one hand throw and catch activity. Basic activity. Play on your own.
Right hand throw, right hand catch, catch with one hand, your right hand.
Left hand throw, left hand catch, catch with one hand, your left hand.Go up in throw and catch numbers, move further away from the Board to challenge yourself and as per above remember to catch with the same hand you threw from.Play on your own.
12. NEW, NIV IT Activity.
NIV IT Activity.1 v 1 players2 metres away from the Nivsta Board.Player one does one throw and catch then throws the ball to their opponent.Player two does one throw and catch then throws the ball to their opponent.The activity continues with or without mistakes. If you miss the board on your throw you stay on the same number.The activity goes up going up in throws 1 then 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.Note if a player drops the rebound he or she then stays on that number.Also when the ball is thrown to the opponent if the opponent drops the or she starts back at one throw and catch again. Note good throws to the opponent are best, fair throws.The game can be played up to whatever number suits for a good game.Note 2 metres away may be too difficult for some people or too easy so the distance away from the board may be varied.The winner is the first to get to the chosen number agreed on at the beginning of the activity.
13. NEW, NIV IT PLAY IT, ONE CHANCE (tough game).
NIV IT play it.
One player on either side of the Nivsta Board.Different to NIV IT ACTIVITY as to with NIV IT PLAY IT ONE CHANCE now you are starting at a number then going down in numbers for your game.Two metres away from the Board, player one does 10 throws and rebound catches. He/she then throws the ball to player two on the other side of the Board, who then does 10 throws and catches.The game goes down in numbers to 1 throw and catch.Note if a player misses the Board on their throw or drops the rebound he/she then starts the game back at ten throws and catches again. NOTE only if he or she chooses, this is where ONE CHANCE comes in. You can take your ONE CHANCE and choose to stay on that number having just missed the Board or having dropped your rebound catch.The game can be played at two metres away from the Nivsta Board or a distance thats suits the players skill level.Note when the ball is thrown to the other player on the other side of the Board to have their turn, if he/she drops the ball he/she is still on that number from that throw.The winner is the first to get to 1 throw and rebound catch.
Throw one throw with your right hand and catch with your left hand. Then throw once with your left hand and catch with your right hand. Once again going up in numbers of throws, but this time always throw with your right hand but catch with your left hand. Also throw with your left hand and catch with your right hand. It should look like this, R/hand throw L/hand catch, L/hand throw R/hand catch, then it gets a bit tricky as you go up in numbers.
R/throw L/catch R/throw L/catch, then L/throw R/catch, then L/throw, R/catch. Go up in numbers and challenge yourself, you may wish to play further away from the Nivsta Board to challenge yourself for your game. Play on your own.
15. New Trick.
One child throws the ball at the board. But instead of catching it, he or she puts their hand on their hip, left hip and lets the ball go through the gap made by holding their hip, the cool part is there is another child trying to catch the ball as it fly’s through the other childs arm. Use your right arm too, of course with the odd variation.
This is fun and is good to grow reaction times.
16. New Nivsta switch balls activity.
Two balls one in each hand. Two players one on either side of the Board. Player one throws with their right hand a catches the rebound in their right hand. Player one throws with their left hand a catches the rebound in their left hand. This is the tricky bit now, player one has to throw the ball in their right hand to their left hand and throw the ball in their left hand into their right hand. The skill is to not drop the balls. The throws have to be at the same time. Next player two on the other side of the Board follows and does the same skills. It is really up to the players how the game flows. Maybe have turns and next time same as above but this time two Right hand throws and catches and two left hand throws and catches. THEN THE SWITCH OF BALLS, NOTE THIS IS WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE. Two right hand throws and catches, two left hand throws and catches. BUT WITH THE SWITCH DO IT TWICE. So right ball into left hand and left hand ball into right hand. Switches. But do it twice. As I said up to you how the activity flows, maybe if you drop the switch you go back to one throw and catch number in throws, or maybe just the next number of throws down. ie three throws down to two for you next turn. Maybe choose a number at the start for a long fun game.
17. Bounce catch, rebound catch. Play on your own.
Bounce the ball at the ground once, then catch it. Next throw it at the Board and catch the rebound. Go up in numbers, use both hands. Test yourself up to 10 bounces, catches and throw and rebound catches.Play on your own.
Nivsta Boards, Bounce catch, rebound catch Activity. ( Mr D ).
18. In-Between Activity.
Try throwing the tennis ball and then catching it behind your legs in-between your legs. Try catching it with two hands, for your skill and a ability try catching it with one hand at a time, your left hand then your right hand.
19. Twister Activity.
Throw the ball at the Board then twist the ball between your legs. Use your right and left hand.
20. Two balls throw & catch Activity.
One tennis ball in your right hand and one tennis ball in your left hand.Throw both balls at the Nivsta Board at the same time and try and catch the rebound.Go up in numbers of throws and catches.
21. Nivsta Boards 1,2,3,4 Steps Activity.
Start at the yellow board. On the left. Throw and catch from each line. 1,2,3,4. Next on the right throw and catch from each line. 1,2,3,4. Play on your own, or with another player. Change the game if you want. Maybe one player at the yellow left side playing and one player on the right playing on the blue board.
22. Nivsta Boards Bumps, Kindergarten Nivsta Boards, two Nivsta Boards Activity.
Roll the ball over the first board see what happens. The ball may bounce over the second Board.
Another time see, depending on how hard you roll the ball, see it may hit the second board and bounce over that board too.