This activity is a good one to play on your own.
About 1-2 metres away from the board start with one throw and catch. When you catch the ball from the rebound, throw the ball in the air and catch it with the same hand, this is one go. Then throw the ball to your left hand and throw the ball in the air and catch it.
The Activity goes up in throws and rebound catches, the point been that for the next throw you do two throws and rebound catches.
Note with two throws and rebound catches you now throw the ball in the air twice, after having done the two rebound throws and catches. Then throw to your other hand and do two throws and catches in the air.
The Activity continues with rebound catches and throws in the air.
You may go up to 5 throws and rebound catches and 5 throws in the air with one hand, then 5 throws and catches in the air with your other hand. Then start the activity and again at one throw and rebound catch with one throw in the air and and then one throw in the air with the other hand, before you move up in numbers.
NOTE after your throw and rebound you always do the air throws and catches, with right hand then go up in numbers to the next number after the one you have just been on.
On a good day you may wish to go from one throw up to 10 throws and rebound catches.
Also try the activity using your left hand with throws and catches and throws in the air with your right hand.
This is good for your mind as its working both sides of the brain.