Nivsta Board Game Rules and How to Play
1. Line Rules
Objective: Work back and forth across lines to win.
- Two players, one on each side of the board.
- Mark lines 3 steps apart (adjust as needed).
- Choose the number of lines for your game.
- Throw the ball at the board and catch it.
- If you drop the ball, the other player takes their turn.
- To win, move back to the first line and return to the last line.
- If the ball hits the board’s top and flies to the other player, and they catch it, you must restart from the first line.
Variation (Line Rules 2):
- Both players have their own ball.
- Collect your own ball if you miss.
2. Numeracy Rules
Objective: Reach a set score by catching the ball.
- Two players, one on each side of the board.
- Decide on a score (e.g., 50 or 100 points).
Gameplay (Numeracy Rules 1):
- Throw from a comfortable line, adding to your score with each successful catch.
- The first player to reach the chosen score wins.
- To play again, start from the chosen score and subtract to zero.
- Missed catches turn the play over to the opponent.
Variation (Numeracy Rules 2):
- Each player has their own ball.
- Play to 50 or 100 points, then subtract to zero.
- Collect your own ball if you miss.
3. Alphabet/Word Rules
Objective: Spell a word by catching the ball from corresponding letters.
- Chalk or paint the alphabet on both sides of the board.
- Player 1 throws from the letter corresponding to the start of the chosen word (e.g., “today”).
- Catch the ball and move to the next letter.
- If you miss or drop the ball, the other player gets their turn.
- The first player to spell the word wins.
Variation (Alphabet/Word Rules 2):
- Both players have their own ball.
- First to spell “Monday” wins.
- Collect your own ball if you miss.
4. Colour Rules
Objective: Throw and catch the ball from all colors to win.
- Mark different colours on the playground.
- Throw from one color and catch the ball.
- Move to the next color and repeat.
- Be the first to complete all colors to win.
Variation (Colour Rules 2):
- Each player has their own ball.
- Remember the colors you’ve thrown from.
- Collect your own ball if you miss.
General Tips:
- For detailed visual instructions, refer to the YouTube video link provided.
- Adjust distances and difficulty to suit players’ abilities.
- Ensure rules are clear and fair for all participants.
Skills Developed:
- Coordination, reaction time, honesty, memory, and strategic thinking.
For All Ages:
- Suitable for children, elderly, and adapted for different skill levels with larger boards and softer balls.
Nivsta Board Four Sets of Rules.
Below the written Rules, please see how to chalk them & play them, at YouTube video footage.
Line Rules.
One player either side of the board. Mark lines 3 steps (shoes) apart. Choose as many lines that suits to make a competitive game. Throw the ball at the board and catch it. If you drop it the person on the other side of the board has a turn. The idea of the game being that you work back to the last line, then back to the first line to win the game. The most important rule being that if you throw the ball at the board and it hits the face/top and flies to the other player and they catch it on the full, the thrower must start at the first line again.
Line Rules 2.
One player either side of the Board. One ball each. Play the game as above but when you miss the board from your throw, collect your own ball.
Numeracy Rules 1. (Number Game).
One player either side of the board. You and your opponent must choose a number of points, e.g. 50 or 100. You then throw the ball from the line that you are most comfortable with, adding your score as you go. The first person to 50 or 100 wins. You may play the game again, but this time counting 50 or 100 down to zero. If you don’t catch the tennis ball rebound, it’s the opponents turn.
Numeracy Rules 2.
One player either side of the Board. One tennis ball each. First to make 50 or maybe 100 points. Now from 100 or 50 points subtract to zero, if you miss collect your own ball.
E wha ono Waru Tekau Rua tekau Rua tekau ma rima Toru tekau
With the Number Rules you can’t just make it easy on yourself, you have to mix up the Numbers you’re throwing & catching from, this makes it a more fair game. As if you just go & play from a small close Number a few times, it just makes it a boring & less eventful game.
Literacy Rules(Alphabet/word Game)
To start the game one player throws the ball from the furthermost line and tries to catch it. The other player has a turn from their side of the board, whoever drops the ball first is the loser so the other player starts the game. The alphabet is chalked or painted to the playground floor (both sides of the Nivsta Board) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Either side of the board so two alphabets. When you are ready player one chooses a word that both players know and can spell. Lets say today. Player one then throws from t and tries to catch the ball if he or she does then he or she moves onto o then d then a then y, this makes today and they are the winner. Obviously the fun part of the game is when the player misses the board with his or her throw or drops the catch, the opponent then has a turn and so on. Note both players must use the same word this keeps it fair. The most important rule being that if you throw the ball at the board and it hits the face/top and flies to the other player and they catch it on the full, the thrower must start their word again.
Alphabet/word Rules 2.
One player either side of the Board. First to make the word Monday, one tennis ball each, if you miss collect your own ball. The children learn to play and feel under pressure and to play the game which develops and needs honesty.
The Colour Rules.
One player either side of the Board. Throw from a colour and catch the rebound, if you miss the other player on the other side of the board has a turn.Throw and catch from all colours, if you are the first to do this, you are the winner. For this game you can go to any colour first ie. The furtherist coloured line away from the board. This may help you to win the game.
Colour Rules 2.One ball each.
Throw and catch from one colour then the next colour until you have thrown from all colours. You must remember what colours you have thrown and caught from. You win if you are first to all colours, if you miss collect your own ball.Nivsta Boards most Important Rule. Playground Rules Layout.Line/basic rules, number rules, alphabet/word rules and colour rules.Chalk them to your School Playground floor or get your School Caretaker to spray paint the layout on the playground. Refer at this website to School Caretakers job. Template page. Option 1. Also playground Roll out mats rules layout. Option 2. Option 3 chalk. If the rules chalk lines etc are to easy, just chalk them further away.
Whero Kahurangi Kōwhai Kakariki Mā Karaka Waiporoporo
A further explanation to play the Rules. It actually applies to all four sets of Rules.
Nivsta Boards most important Rule. Having entered this link, you’ll see how you maybe, can beat them.
How to chalk the four sets of Rules layout and play the four sets of Rules.
YouTube video.
Line Basic Rules.
Physical Education Curriculum.
Honesty with what line you are on, focus, communication, throwing and catching skills, hand eye co-ordination, reaction times, decision making, vision, under pressure, strategies.
Alphabet/word Rules & Number Rules.
Physical Education Curriculum.
Literacy Curriculum. Numeracy Curriculum.
Throwing and catching skills, honesty what letter you are on, memory, hand eye co-ordination, alphabet familiarization, word work, decision making, reaction times, strategies and co-operation.
Number work. Addition & Subtraction.
Skills & Values.
Infant Activity.

Play the game too.
Large Nivsta Board & larder ball types.